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Barry Posner
Coaching Leaders / Behavioral Coaching
Barry Posner is Dean of the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University, and Professor of Leadership. In 2001, he was one of the recipients of the McFeely Award, given to the nation's top management and leadership educators. Barry is the co-author (with Jim Kouzes) of the award-winning and best-selling leadership book, The Leadership Challenge.
Coaching Approach
Leadership development begins with determining what you care about, and what you care deeply about. It is an inside-out process of development, a bringing forth of talents, energies, motives, determination, and the perseverance necessary to make something happen. Indeed, Barry finds it hard to imagine leaders getting up day after day, putting in the long hours and hard work it takes to get extraordinary things done, without having their hearts in it. The best-kept secret of successful leaders is that they are in love with leading, with the people who do the work, and with what their organizations produce.
Through his research and coaching Barry has also learned that another essential characteristic of leaders is their willingness to experiment with new behaviors. Working with a leader, Barry asks: What's the motive for change? Do you think you could be even more effective than you are today? Are you willing to try some new behaviors to accomplish that? Through listening, patience, encouragement, imagination and energy, Barry guides the leader in a spirit of trust through the development process.