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Leigh Fountain
Career/Life Coaching
Leigh Fountain is President of Life Force, LLC, a consultancy with laser focus on strategy, communication, and leadership. Prior to Life Force, LLC, Leigh Fountain worked on Wall Street in senior global management roles as head of human resources for institutional sales, leadership and organizational effectiveness. He has both academic and clinical training in coaching and counseling.
Coaching Approach
Leigh Fountain calls his technique of blending aspects of consulting and coaching Embedded Coaching™—a natural outgrowth of a learning or consulting activity where coaching occurs with the individual you are working with and/or becomes part of your work with others in their span of control. It can be short in duration (a coachable moment); but often becomes part of an ongoing and structured coaching arrangement due to the trust in place.
His organizational change work has spanned consulting and coaching in internal and external roles, and impacted groups into the tens of thousands. The situations have been as varied as helping a business leader drive change with their staff or a management team drive divisional or company-wide change.
At the macro level, coaching for organizational change centers on the systems and people; at the micro level this is inverted and focuses primarily on the people issues. Once the overarching themes are set it is the alignment of systems, behavior, communication, and culture that brings about sustainable change. All too often, people misjudge the time and intricacies involved in change. Coaching can help frame the process and provide the support to achieve it.